Monday, January 25, 2010

This American Life Response

For my two audio pieces I listened to two separate episodes of chicago public radio's This American Life. Which I have listened to before and I usually really enjoy. I am going to focus my analysis on one story from each episode I found particularly interesting.
The first one I listened to was the one of the most current episodes called 'Contents Unknown.'
Contents Unknown was in general about different cases of unknown. The story that really caught my attention was the one about a man that woke up in an Indian train station with no memory of who he was and where he was at.
It was very sad to hear him dealing with the complete loss of not only his memory, but his identity. I was unusually emotionally affected by this type of first person journalism, and it is something that I want to strive to reproduce.
The second episode that I listened to was called 'Bait and Switch' from back in November. 'Bait and Switch' focused on cases where people set a trap and were duped. The stories take perspective of either the trapper or the trappee. The story that really caught my attention was the one where a young couple was worried about an abandoned car next to their house so they called the police. They were blown off and nothing was done about the car. They began to worry as time passed though, because not only was it abandoned, it was left with the window down and the key in the ignition.
After a little while longer of the car just sitting there in that vulnerable state, the couple went to examine the car for information about the owner. Not long after some police officers showed up and arrested the couple for breaking into the car.
After an arduous, and confusing legal process the couple found out that the car was called a bait car, set by the police to trap would be criminals. Now this kind of irresponsibility by their local government and police force is inexcusable. I believe that one of the key functions of the press is to expose behavior like this.

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